What's more, the same online journal (slate.com) is paying someone to blog the Bible! (Sample entry: The Bible's Pulp Fiction -- What Tarantino stole from Ezekiel.) Download an MP3 audio interview with the blogger here, or you can sign up for a podcast on iTunes here.
Someone else, however, has had enough....
About lecture today:
I like to think the reason why we have all the "bad" stuff in our world is so we can fully appreciate the "good" stuff. I dont think we'll ever get to this "good" reality, because we're imperfect.
I know Margaret Avison is trying to shed light so the good can come out, but this might sound pessimistic of me, but maybe instead of saying society should work towards and all encompassing "good" future, but maybe ask, could society work towards an all emcompassing "good" future? Wow, I'm pessimistic.
Hmm .... that's interestingly put. I think the difference between Margaret Avison's and the Greeks' conceptions of the Good is that the Greeks saw the improvement as something that society did for the individual, where Avison sees each individual turning toward the Good, and this then incrementally increases the Good of the society.
I absolutely despise poetry. In my humble opinion, the poetry we are doing is being over-analyzed. Im sure there are others who agree with me when I say that, maybe the poet did not have anything more to say.
For example, in Cement Worker, "yeild", as you said is a yellow sign and emphasizes the almost synesthesia-like description of colour throughout this book. However, I think that you were possibly the only person in the entire lecture hall who thought of it that way. Ofcourse, your thought is what counts being our professor, but I think that maybe, its just a simple poem, without five hundrer million deeper meanings.
Or maybe its just my hate for poetry that is coming to the surface.
then why do the greeks constantly engage in war?
Dear "Anonymous":
Great question aboout the warring Greeks. Perhaps they were tired of the war and cam eup with their philosophy as a way of developing to a higher statndard.
Or maybe they were just dilletantes or hypocrites!
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