Thursday, January 11, 2007

Lecture Ideas: January 10th

I should like to use posts to list the Big Ideas after each lecture. Feel free to add any additional or lesser ones ones in the comments.
  • Realism
  • minimalism
  • reductionism
  • de-/re- mythologisation
  • literature vs. journalism vs. autobiography
  • Aristotle and understanding through knowledge of function.


SFU said...

(im not sure if my first question was posted but i'll try again.)

sir, i was just wondering if you will provide a link for the notes you've given for the "big ideas" topic, for i was one of your students that missed the lecture necause of the weather. if not, will it be advisable for us to research the matters in our own ways and just link thm with the stories? problem is, we might miss the gist of your lecture...


Dr. Stephen Ogden said...

The comments section is a great forum to discuss questions about the lecture. My (lengthy!) office hours are another excellent way to elaborate and clarify.

SFU said...

to my english101 classmates:

hello to all.
i would just like to ask for a copy of your notes in regards to the "big ideas" lecture. i missed the class because of the weather. my email add is:
in return, i would gladly discuss with you my points of view in every topics that we'll tackle so that we could have a mini-brainstorming session, and just in case you'll need help, i'll be there for you like you were to me. its time to make alliances in our version of survivor.
hoping to hear from you, soon?
thanks. ^.^

Anonymous said...

Can someone please clarify the idea of 'realism' for me? I still don't really get it.