Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Third Lecture: Big Ideas

Big idea from Monday was that fiction has definite elements that can be detailed by empirical analysis. Plot, Character, Setting, Point of View, Theme, Language (&c.) and Symbolism (&c.)
We are now concentrating on Frame Narrative -- a finer-grained literary aspect. A student essay online on frame narrative in a the context of women's writing is here.


Anonymous said...

this has to do with wednesday's lecture
prof ogden it seems that what you said about the siwash rock is in accordance with my personal views.
i also believe that it has to do with principle and that the general story is only a way of communicating that very idea. but perhaps what i don't agree with is the fact you said it was radical. it may be so for many people including yourself, but it certainly isn't radical to me. i was nurtured under traditional yet rational chinese parents who while retaining the core values of chinese culture such as fidelity for both wife and husband(which includes being "clean") is also very progressive towards some of today's relationship issues. personally i think it's quite enervating to hear that it is radical idea: after all, isn't the opposite of that the reason for the multitude of problems that surface today's society?(jerry springer very good example). How hard is it to understand that in a relationship not only is the mother important so is the father? Realistically, the axiom that says "it takes 2 to tango" in a relationship obviously holds true. The whole routine simply collapses if either one refuses to cooperate.

Dr. Stephen Ogden said...

Well, the point is that the text says that it is a radical idea: "astounding, amazing words....the only treatise on the nobility of 'clean fatherhood' that I have yet heard."

You are correct in noting that the term "radical" is used in context of current Western culture.